Testing for Mold, Lead Asbestos, Radon & Allergens

Clearance Testing involves dust–and sometimes soil—samples taken by a Certified Lead Evaluation Firm or Dust Wipe Sampling Tech after renovation, remodeling or other paint disturbance-causing events. Dust wipe sampling serves to verify that the area in question is safe for re-occupancy once the paint disturbances are complete.

XRF Testing

A lead inspection is designed to answer two questions: «Is there lead-based paint (LBP) present in the housing unit?» and «Where is the lead-based paint?» Surveying a housing unit for lead-based paint is typically performed using an X-Ray Fluorescence analyzer, or XRF. Such determinations are performed in the field, on the spot in question, and can be performed without disturbing the painted surfaces.

Numerous measurements can be collected in a relatively short period of time at a relatively low cost as compared to the cost of being forced to comply. Paint or other coatings with lead levels above an established threshold are considered lead-based.

A Final LBP Inspection Report is provided that details all tested building component measurements that are considered non-leaded as well as those that are considered to be lead-based paint. A lead paint inspection is most appropriate for property owners or their contractors who need to know where lead-based paint is located, such as in the following situations: renovation, repair, maintenance or any other paint disturbing event or who want to obtain a LBP-Free certification whereby the property is permanently exempt from the requirements of the rule.